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ACNE...Did you know....

ANS Staff

  • 40% of acne patients have low stomach acid.

  • 47% of acne patients suffer from constipation.

  • Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine is 10 times more prevalent among acne patients than those without acne.

  • 57% of acne patients have bacterial imbalances in the gut.

  • 83% Improved significantly after eradicating the overgrowth

  • When you eat is often more important than what you eat.

  • Even the healthiest foods can cause acne if they are cooked the wrong way. Cooking method is often more important than the food itself.

  • There are no foods that cure acne, and why following 'top 10 foods for acne' lists isn't going to help you.

  • Cutting out foods that cause acne for someone else is a bad idea (hint: they may have a different acne type).

  • A single application of benzyl peroxide destroys 93% of the Vitamin E from the skin. Without Vitamin E, skin becomes sensitive and prone to breakouts.

Weber, S. U. et al. Topical alpha-tocotrienol supplementation inhibits lipid peroxidation but fails to mitigate increased transepidermal water loss after benzoyl peroxide treatment of human skin. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 34, 170–6 (2003).

Gravina, A. et al. United European Gastroenterol J 3,17–24 (2015).

Bowe, W., Patel, N. & Logan, A. Acne vulgaris, probiotics and the gut-brain-skin axis: from anecdote to translational medicine. Beneficial Microbes 5, 185199 (2014).

"There appears to be more than enough supportive evidence to suggest that gut microbes, and the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract itself, are contributing factors in the acne process."

Bowe, et. al. Acne vulgaris, probiotics and the gut-brain-skin axis - back to the future? Gut Pathogens 3, 1 (2011).

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